Saturday, May 29, 2010

Who, what and why

I am one of the last of a dieing species. I am a soon to be 20 year old and yet I love classical music.

No, don't give up on me yet! I promise that you will not find me dull. I am (and I say this with the most humble attitude) as cool as the next almost 20 year old. I go to movies, chat with friends and watch more TV in the summer than I really should:) Yet I was fortunate enough to have the world of classical music opened to me at a young age.

Why is this an exciting enough topic to start a blog on? People fight to save what is important to them. And I need to find people who share my opinions and are willing to help me fight for it!

As an up and coming classical musician I worry about having an audience in another 5 to 10 years. I also worry because so few people know the difference it can make in children's lives. The old partrons of the arts are dieing off with very few to take their places.

I have been teaching classical music to kids for 8 years already (yes since I was 12, really!)

And I have seen that it is not Classical music itself that turns kids off to it, but the way it is presented to them! I have a vision... I have a dream. A completely new way of put classical music into the heart of every child. But what will this really do for the world you ask? Never underestimate the power of music. Music can change lives and I bet many of you have stories to prove it.

I am just one person.. and a young one at that. But if I can find people of like minds- willing to talk, imagine and then do- We can create new and exciting ideas into a reality will bring the world of music alive to a whole new generation.

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